New ‘Justice League’ Cartoon Is Surprisingly Dark

Everyone got really excited when they heard Batman animator legend Bruce Timm was going to be helping to create a new Justice League series, but seeing how golden age and ‘safe’ his run on Batman: The Animated Series was, no one expected something as dark as Justice League: Gods and Monsters. But darkness is just what […]

Hackerman From ‘Kung Fury’ Releases Tutorial On How To Hack Time

If you saw the wonderful, brilliant, hilarious movie we posted last week, Kung Fury, then you certainly remember the character of Hackerman. His computer skills were all but unrivaled, and without him on the team, they would not have been able to achieve the time traveling which was an essential element to their journey. But […]

We Finally Know Why Batman And Superman Are Fighting in ‘Dawn Of Justice’

Okay, Dawn of Justice looks pretty badass, no denying. But many were wondering, why are two DC mega heroes fighting when the next movie clearly shows us they are on the same team (I.E. Birth of Justice = Justice League). Seems the official plot synopsis clears this issue up a bit for anyone wondering: Fearing […]

New Dinosaur Discovered, Nicknamed Hellboy After Comic

So a new dinosaur has been discovered, and has been given a rather colorful nickname due to its horn placement: The newly identified Regaliceratops peterhewsi has been informally named after Mike Mignola’s perpetually grumpy paranormal investigator (Hellboy,) owing to the presence of a pair of prominent horns just above its eyes. All I am saying here is […]

10 Things You Probably Missed in the ‘Fallout 4’ Trailer

Alright, Fallout 4 trailer is here. Now let’s dissect it for any discernible piece of information we can gleam from this sure-fire hit. I am already drooling all over myself in anticipation, and these 10 revelations about the Fallout 4 trailer have me drooling even more. What aspect of Fallout 4 are YOU most excited for? […]