Thinkgeek’s BIG Star Wars Sale: Up to 60% Off on Over 130 Star Wars Products!

Just a quick post to let you guys know that Thinkgeek is currently holding a big sale on a lot of their Star Wars products. If you are looking for gifts for the Star Wars lovers in your life, there’s something to please everybody: T-Shirts, gadgets, bathrobes, kitchen accessories, and A LOT MORE! [Thinkgeek’s Big […]

The Cosplay of Geekfest Montreal 2016 [Photo Gallery]

The 6th edition of Geekfest Montreal is currently being held at the “Collège de Maisonneuve” in Montreal, and I was on location yesterday to chat with some old friends, take pictures of people in costumes, and listen to some amazing video game music by a local geek band named Tortuga. There was also a lot […]

HALLOWEEN 2016: Geeks are Sexy Readers’ Costumes Picture Gallery

As I do each year, I asked Geeks are Sexy readers and friends (both here and on Facebook) to send in pictures of their Halloween costumes, and as usual, I received A LOT of submissions! Unfortunately, I just cannot post them all, but here is a selection of some of my favorites for your viewing […]

Pokemon Developers Spills Beans on What It Is Like Inside Pokeball (Hint, Tardis)

Any fan of Pokemon with at least a tiny bit of empathy must have spent some time wondering what life inside a Pokeball is like for Pokemon. Are these poor, subservient creatures folded down like origami and jammed into a tiny ball like a baby cow in a cage waiting to be turned into veal […]

The Fabulous Cosplay of Quebec City Comic Con 2016 – Part II [Picture Gallery]

As mentionned yesterday, here is the second part of our pictures from Quebec City Comic Con 2016. For those of you who missed part I, you can check it out right here. As usual, if you see yourself in our picture gallery, be sure to let us know in the comments! With over 10,000 people […]