Montreal Comiccon 2016 Cosplay in Pictures – Part II [Gallery]

As mentioned yesterday, I was at Montreal Comiccon 2016 last weekend and took plenty of photos of the fabulous costumes that could be seen at the event. Since I had so many, I divided this post in two parts. Here is the second batch! As always, if you recognize yourself in one of these, be […]

Montreal Comiccon 2016 Cosplay in Pictures – Part I [Gallery]

Another year, another edition of Montreal Comiccon! As I’ve been doing since 2011, I was on location once again this year along with my photographer friend Patrick-Michel Dagenais to snap some shots of the best costumes the con had to offer, and as usual, I was not disappointed. I also ran into many of you […]

The Geektastic Pop Art of Béatrix [Gallery + Opening Exhibition]

My wife and I love paintings, and thanks to a longtime friend of mine, we recently met a talented young artist named Béatrix who will do her first vernissage (opening exhibition) next Saturday, April 23, 2016, in Montreal. Béatrix has never liked being ‘name-tagged’ as an artist and the clichés that come with the name, […]