Your iPhone Died of Dysentary [Oregon Trail Rumor]

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] If you’re any kind of geek and you’re in my age bracket (18-25), you probably got excited when you read the title of this article.  The Oregon Trail is an iconic game for many young geeks because it was available in schools (something about being educational), fun to play, and a bit […]

Warning: Video Games May Be Hazardous to Your Health

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] If U.S. Congressman Joe Baca (D-CA) has anything to say about it, you might be seeing a warning label on video games that looks awfully similar to the one on packages of cigarettes. I’m confused. Maybe there’s a study I haven’t heard about that proves that video games cause […]

Has Tower Defense Evolved?

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] If you’ve ever explored the world of Flash games for any period of time, you’ve probably run across Tower Defense, or “TD” as it’s commonly called.  The premise of the game is to kill all the “creeps” (or monsters) before they get through your maze.  You have towers that shoot […]

Gamers Still Love Their Playstation 2

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] Nielson’s 2008 Trend Summary reveals some interesting data in its gaming top ten lists. It seems that despite the fuss over next-gen consoles these past two years, people still spend more time with Playstation 2’s than any other gaming console. Based on usage minutes, the PS2 nearly doubles the […]