Robot Chicken Spoofs Castlevania
When it comes to spoofing sci-fi movies and game franchises, you have to admit that there’s no one better than the folks from Robot Chicken. These guys are simply brilliant!
When it comes to spoofing sci-fi movies and game franchises, you have to admit that there’s no one better than the folks from Robot Chicken. These guys are simply brilliant!
By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] When I read about the new PSP Girlz Play Too campaign at Game Life this morning, for a second I actually thought it was a spoof. But no, it’s very real, and now all I can think is: OMG WTF were you, like, totally thinking, Sony? It’s not as […]
He’ll grant you any wish you desire, 8-bit or otherwise. Thanks Alex!
By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] Comic Con 2009 is nearing an end, and though I am sadly not in attendance, the majority of my Twitter feed (and I’m pretty sure about half of the Internet) is busy partying down with what seems like every geek-friendly celebrity you can tick off on your fingers. However, […]
Revenues from the video games industry in the US were down almost a third last month compared to the same time last year. It’s the biggest annual slump since September 2000. Even with the 31% drop, gaming remains a billion dollar industry. The figure is made up of $625.8 million on games (down 29%), $382.6 […]
Sony says it has no plans to cut the cost of the PS3, despite threats by one major games producer to boycott the console until it becomes cheaper. Last month, Bobby Kotick of Activision (the firm behind Call of Duty and Guitar Hero) said the high price of the console meant those who do buy […]
By Miss Cellania Contributing Writer, [GAS] This may look like a game controller and a bottle of Mountain Dew at first glance. In reality, this is a bar of soap and a bottle of shampoo. I know about these things because I keep a running list of home decorating items that you can’t get at […]
By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] The MMORPG/virtual world Eve Online is no stranger to unsavory behavior; inside the game, having your stuff stolen is pretty much par for the course (watch out for those space pirates!). But as soon as it’s not part of the “game” anymore, things get a lot more serious. Like […]
By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] Some of the gadget blogs were reporting on the “game doctor” before it was released in June, but now that the mainstream media has picked up the story, you can be sure that more moms will be hearing about this device and thinking, “Oh, that’s brilliant!” This isn’t the […]
[Via Laughing Squid]