New Mario Bros. Movie Trailer [Video]
The Game Station presents an epic gangland tale of betrayal and violence in this mock trailer for The Brothers Mario.
The Game Station presents an epic gangland tale of betrayal and violence in this mock trailer for The Brothers Mario.
A rather shocking game sequence from Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II: Nooooooooooooooo… that’s… that’s…. BLASPHEMY! How could Mr. Lucas approve something like this? This is an outrage! [Via Reddit]
Youtube user Keshen8 inspired himself from Call of Duty: Black Ops to create this absolutely amazing stop-motion animation using Lego only. Enjoy! [Via TechEblog]
Bioware has just released the first trailer for Mass Effect 3, and all I have to say about it is: Wow, it looks totally amazing. Check it out: [Via Kotaku]
Ninjas? Way over done. Pirates? Johnny Depp should have hung up his hat with the first movie. Zombies? Dawn of the Yawn. Pandas? Skadoosh! That’s the magic piece of the puzzle! Move over Angry Birds, there’s a game with a way more awesome premise on the rise!
To promote safe sex practices among teenagers, the Leicestershire Teenage Pregnancy Partnership created this cute and funny 8-bit PSA titled “Game On.” [Via TDW]
Those of us who first embraced Pokemon, bought ridiculous amounts of Pokemon cards, bought the different color video game releases, and watched the first episodes gleefully may never have stopped to realize the awful cost of our entertainment. Here to remind us of the pain and suffering inflicted to these poor creatures is artist Justin […]
The “Song of Healing” from The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask played by Youtube user Sp0ntanius on wine glasses. Enjoy! [Via Kotaku]