Angry Birds Bento Box [Pic]
Oh Yum. I’d say this one looks even better than the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions we featured a few weeks ago. [Via | Source]
Oh Yum. I’d say this one looks even better than the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions we featured a few weeks ago. [Via | Source]
[Source: Flickr – jwlphotography]
These delicious looking xbox-themed cupcakes come from San Jose, CA-based bakery, Bratty Cakes. [Source]
Thanks Lucy!
Thanks John!
I’ve always wondered what Freeman would look like with all his gear strapped to his suit. Now I know! [Via Reddit]
The innovation in geeky home decor never ends. Monkey Labs has designed a working table lamp composed of a dead Atari 2600 and a stack of cartridges, with a handmade shade of AtariAge box scans. Order one here: Monkey Labs Production AtariAge Lamps Or just the shade for $25 [via]
Geek hero Carl Sagan’s moving Pale Blue Dot monologue over Halo Reach footage. If this isn’t the convergence of all things awesome, I shudder to think what might be.
Check out this absolutely amazing Day of the Tentacle-themed pair of Converse sneakers by Madrid-based artist Maya Pixelskaya. She also made this awesome-looking tie (below) to go along with it. [Source: Maya Pixelskaya]