WOW-Themed Graffiti: For the Horde! [Picture]
[Via Neatorama]
[Via Neatorama]
Oh come on, Tails, just one more time!
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An awesome medley of songs from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time by Youtube user FamilyJules7X. Enjoy! [Via]
You’ve already seen Remi Gaillard reenacting a real-life game of Mario Kart on [GAS] in the past, and now, that crazy French dude has done once again. Check him out! [Via]
You guys really have to check out this awesome video from the Thousand Pounds Fight Team featuring some sexy ladies pwning the hell out of a bunch of guys, Street Fighter-style. And if that left you wanting to see more, head over to the group’s Youtube page for a lot of additional OMG-worthy videos. [Via […]
While Youtuber Sp0ntanius may have a hairstyle more hip than me, he does have a knack for recreating Zelda songs with style and neat camera tricks that are really entertaining. From playing the Palace theme in stop motion with guitar and tearing paper, to playing crystal glasses for the Song of Healing, you have to […]
Four floppy drives plus MIDI-tone Toccata and Fugue equals Castlevania flashback. YouTube’s spankin’ new innerwebz star, FunToTheHead, has rigged up a system comprising “two 3 1/2″ drives and two 5 1/4″ drives connected to a PIC18f14k50 microcontroller. It interfaces to any MIDI source via MIDI over USB. Straight MIDI would also be possible with an […]
Activision has announced it will be scrapping the Guitar Hero franchise later this year, saying it was no longer possible to produce the games at a profit. The company will continue selling previously-released games, including DJ Hero, along with downloadable content. However, there’ll be no new material after this month. According to the company, “we […]