Awesome Stop-Motion Chess Game [Video]
Sure, DeepBlue had mad skills, but did the chess-playing supercomputer ever turn into a shark and eat a rook whole? I think not. Bonus points for fatal impalement by unicorn.
Sure, DeepBlue had mad skills, but did the chess-playing supercomputer ever turn into a shark and eat a rook whole? I think not. Bonus points for fatal impalement by unicorn.
PikiGeek shot this video at PAX East 2011 last weekend giving a first look at Valve’s upcoming Portal 2 Game. Enjoy! [Via TDWG]
Sony has been given permission to restart importing PS3 consoles into Europe and even won legal costs. But an ongoing lawsuit from LG still threatens the console manufacturer. As we wrote recently, LG is suing Sony, claiming an element of the Blu-Ray feature in the PS3 breaches a patent — making it the latest in […]
Check out the trailer for what could possibly be the best looking indie game of all time. Adhesive Games is developing a new Mech Combat FPS. All clips in this video were captured from actual network game matches. The third person shots are from a spectator camera, gameplay is first person. We expect to release […]
Check out this awesome game concept by Youtube user ArihGold demonstrating what a first person bike game might look like in the near future. ArihGold based himself on freddiew’s Future First Person Shooter to create this.
Check out the awesome Unreal Engine 3 realtime demo that was presented just a few days ago at GDC 2011 by the folks from Epic Games. [Via [H]]
Check out this awesome project by Yelp engineer John Boiles, where he used the kinect to control various characters in Garry’s Mod, a sandbox physics game that allows a player to manipulate objects and experiment with physics using the source engine of a Valve game. Check it out!
After releasing the awesome Law Abiding Engineer mashup early in 2010, Youtube user TrueOneMoreUser surprises us again with a new video which integrates our favorite TF2 characters inside footage from The Dark Knight. Check it out! [Via]
WTF? All the MMORPG games highscores?!?! :) [Via]
Crytek has just released a video showcasing some of the latest features of CryEngine 3, the engine that runs behind the Crysis series of games. Please keep in mind that everything you see in there is generated real time. Enjoy!