Oregon Trail Birthday Cake [Picture]
Happy birthday Jackie! You Have Died of Dysentery.
Happy birthday Jackie! You Have Died of Dysentery.
[Source: Virtual Shackles]
Check out this awesome gameplay demo for an upcoming Xbox Live Arcade title called “Fez”. Finally, something that looks different from everything I’ve seen in a long, long time. Plus, the soundtrack sounds amazing, doesn’t it?
sFX guru and Youtube Superstar Freddie Wong has just released a new video showing what a game of Super Mario Bros. would look like if it would be a first person shooter. Enjoy! And as a bonus, here’s Freddie’s version of a real-life game of Mario Kart. [Via Buzzfeed]
Check out this amusing TV spot trailer for Portal 2, which will be released on April 19, 2011, on the PS3, PC, and XBOX 360. [Pre-Order Portal 2 @ Amazon.com]
Jimmy Wong is pretty awesome. In addition to making an insanely catchy version of the Super Mario Bros. theme song entirely a capella, he’s also putting his songs on iTunes and donating all the sales to charities for relief in Japan. Check out jimmy‘s channel for more cool stuff.
The Guitar Hero series has received its death sentence, but one company thinks it’s come up with a creative new way to revive the genre: using real guitars. To be precise, Ubisoft’s RockSmith isn’t billed as purely a game, but rather a “musical experience.” It’s less a case of a rhythm game that happens to […]
Thanks to Mike Tyson, curing your angry birds addiction is now easier than ever! [Via Buzzfeed]
[Source: Dorkly]
Did you know that Mario was a drug addict and that there was a very good reason why Peach ran away from him in the first place? Enjoy Joe Nicolosi’s take on what the original Super Mario movie should have been like. [Via Joystiq]