Portal 2: How Not To Be A Douche [Video]
Playing Portal 2 in co-op mode? Here are the top 5 things you shouldn’t do if you don’t want to be a total jerk.
Playing Portal 2 in co-op mode? Here are the top 5 things you shouldn’t do if you don’t want to be a total jerk.
On the downside, 2.2 million credit card numbers may (repeat may) be in the hands of hackers after the Sony PSN data breach. On the upside, everyone’s trophies are fine. There have been several updates since our last report on the Sony breach. The company says that all credit card numbers stored on its servers […]
Hmmm, I don’t want to question this dude’s sanity, but those mushrooms he ate at the entrance of the park are certainly not 1-Up mushrooms! [Via Nerd Bastards]
While Sony’s PSN could stay down for as long as another extra week, the National Nerd Relief Fund is raising money to help the company get their gaming network back online. [Via [H]]
Can you imagine what playing a game of Super Mario Bros. would be like if Mario had a portal gun? Check it out: [Dorkly]
The good folks over at Gearbox helped a fan of their Borderlands game to propose to his girlfriend with the help of Claptrap, a general purpose robot featured in the game. Check this out, this is hilarious.
I still prefer that photo shoot featuring Miranda Lawson, but this one is almost as good! [Source | Via]
What a delightful, animated little quiz! Some of these are hilarious and easy, others are adorable and HARD! See how well you make out by taking the quiz right here.
Check out Jonathan M. Guberman’s cute interactive talking plush turret. The turret itself doesn’t look all that great, but the magic happens when it starts talking! [Via]
Sony has just released a short video giving us a first look at their upcoming S1 and S2 PlayStation tablets. Check it out below: