Duke Nukem Forever: Offensive to Women [Video]
…And pretty much everybody else. [Source]
…And pretty much everybody else. [Source]
[Via FG]
You always hear about the awesome mascots behind your favorite video games – Mario is legend, obviously, and Sonic is doing pretty well for a hedgehog. But I think you can argue that the crappy mascots are far more numerous, so it makes sense that Dorkly has assembled a list of some of the lamest […]
An hilarious video promoting Magicka’s new free PVP mode. Enjoy! [Magicka]
Argentina based guitarist Ferdk contacted us earlier this week and tried sucking up complimenting us in order to get his videos posted on the site, and well, it worked! Nah, in reality, the only reason we’re posting his stuff is because his metal interpretations of various video game themes are really awesome. Here are just […]
I don’t know, I kind of like Awkwardphant. [TDW]
Shanghai-based artist Jian Guo made these absolutely amazing World of Warcraft-themed stained glass-style illustrations featuring various scenarios from the game, and I have to say, if the guy would sell prints of these somewhere, I’d be definitely interested in buying a few. [Source | Via]
A fight between Ryu and Darth Vader? Now how ridiculous is that? Everyone knows who’d come out victorious out of that fight! [Source | Via ObviousWinner]
They’re not the best strategists, but they’ll run at you like nobody’s business. [Source]