The Worst Blacksmith of All Time [Video]
Wow. Just wow. This beautifully geeky sand sculpture by full time sand, ice, snow and wood carver Guy-Olivier Deveau was done for the Parskville Canadian Open a little earlier this month. Be sure to check out Guy-Olivier’s website to see the rest of his amazing portfolio. [Source: Guy-Olivier Deveau]
Teleportation Shots (Portal Shots) First Shot 2/3 shot Gold Tequila 1/3 shot Orange Juice Second Shot 2/3 shot lime juice or Roses lime 1/3 shot Bol Blue Directions: Take the first shot, immediately take the second shot. “In laymen’s terms, speedy thing go in, speedy thing comes out.” Source: (The Portal Bar, which seems to […]
Two former friends, now worst enemies, play a high stakes game with explosive results in this fake trailer from The Game Station. [Youtube]
We know it’s hard, but you can do it! A word of advice however: There is this large glowing disk in the sky that is generally obscenely bright. Do not stare at it directly. It may cause permanent damage to your eyes, and prevent you from unlocking future achievements. [Get it @ | Get […]
Half-Life: Singularity Collapse is an awesome 8-minute short film based on the Half-Life universe by producer/director Leonard Menchiari. Check it out below! [Via]
The negative 1UP is a mushroom you’d be smart to avoid. DO NOT WANT. [Get it @ | Get 10% off with promo code “geeksaresexy”]
“I got this mega man tattoo as I am a self confessed game geek. Megaman, Mario Bros. and Nintendo was a big part of my life when i was younger. Game Over as basically I gotta grow up now :( NOT lol” — Kevin Travis, bearer of Mega Man ink. [via]
And here’s a Gatherer’s Garden cake, which is a reproduction of the vending machine that sells Plasmids in the Arcadia level in Bioshock. [Via 1, 2]
When life gives you the Triforce, make Triforce grenades. [Source]