Mario and Luigi Double Nunchucks [Video]
Mario and Lugi practicing double nunchucks… because, you know, plumbing can be dangerous business! [Via FG]
Mario and Lugi practicing double nunchucks… because, you know, plumbing can be dangerous business! [Via FG]
[Via TN]
There’s a lot of similar Super Mario-themed stop motion animations out there, but I think this is the best one I’ve seen so far. [Via]
Yeah, the name of this game may sound a bit weird at first, but before making a judgement call, I invite you to take a look at the trailer below: This is the official trailer for our upcoming free web game, Abobo’s Big Adventure! We hope it gets you as excited about the game as […]
First Skyrim tomorrow, and then this a few days later. So little time (especially when you have 3 young kids), so many great games… *sigh. [Assassin’s Creed Revelations]
This video was initially only available for viewing on the Nintendo 3DS, but thanks to the magic of the Internet, everyone can now enjoy the beauty of the main Zelda theme as performed by an orchestra. [Youtube]
Another day, another Skyrim song. Previously on [GAS]: Skyrim: The Epic Rap [Video] [Via Epicponyz]
Some people like a little Roll with their Rock while others like a lot of Geek with it. The Internet has given rise to the popularity of bands using all sorts of geek culture themes to tickle their fans’ nerdicles. Some of these bands do straight cover songs from video games or cartoons while others […]
I will officially stop having a social life in just 3 days. 11/11/11 is almost upon us geeks! [Skyrim | Youtube]
From [GAS] friend and cake artist extraordinaire Debbie Goard. [Debbie Does Cakes]