Live Action Super Smash Bros Brawl: Mario vs. Luigi [Video]
Tired of being in Mario’s shadow Luigi proves that he can be SUPER too! [EmcRevolution]
Tired of being in Mario’s shadow Luigi proves that he can be SUPER too! [EmcRevolution]
This video was shot on black void, using a rebuild version of glados’ chamber that I put together by hand. Fun story about this video, I’ve been trying to make it for about 6 months, it’s a super late Turret Week video. I kept overthinking it, and had much of the principal synchronization done but […]
The folks over at Complex Gaming have made a series of fact sheets listing various nutritional facts about some food items featured in popular video games, both old and new. What if some of the popular foods in video games were real? The Food and Drug Administration would surely step in to let us know […]
THQ is now as good as dead and the rest of the games industry has divided up the scraps. It’s prompted speculation about what changes new owners will make to games already in development. The company had gone into Chapter 11 bankruptcy to get temporary protection from creditors. It had hoped to simply sell out […]
Masha – a blogger who describes herself as “just a girl who loves her nail polish” – made her nails look all Triforce-y…and she posted a tutorial about how you can do it, too! [Lost in Lacquer / Via Fashionably Geek]
Atari has entered bankruptcy in the United States. The move is designed to legally separate the company from its financially troubled parent and allow the US operation to remain in business. The US company — Atari SA — hasn’t filed the more severe Chapter 7 bankruptcy in which the company ceases trading and is liquidated. […]
Great video game style music, awesome video! Pew pew pew. [UKFDubstep]
Now all I need is a bottle of Nuka-Cola to wash it down. [Via Reddit | Dorkly]
We’re pleased to present the opening cinematic for StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm in full HD glory! The expansion arrives March 12, 2013. [Pre-Order: StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm | StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Collector’s Edition]
My carrying limit is 300, no more, or I walk very slow… [Fatawesomefilms]