Angry Birds Product Placement: Fail or Win? [Pic]
Now that kind of… tempting? :) [Via]
Now that kind of… tempting? :) [Via]
Can you name all the references? Available in many sizes, styles, and colors over at Redbubble. Design by Donutplains. [Redbubble]
From Australian cake artist Nicole: Dimity asked me to create a cake for her Fiance, Stephen, who loves “old school” computer games. I created a 3 tier square cake, with each of the sides representing a popular retro platform game. Topped off with a game off Pong, with the score depicting Stephen’s “30” years. The […] From Tyrannicon, the animators of COPS: Skyrim, Throthgar, and Skyrim Battles comes Skyrim At The Movies. The premiere episode drops Tony Stark’s Iron Man origin right into the middle of Skyrim. [Nerdist | Via TA]
For reasons I won’t bore you with, I’m very slowly still making my way through “BioShock Infinite,” but this is a crossover that would I stay up all night to play! [Creative Outpouring / Via NerdBastards]
Listen to guitarist Ewan Dobson, whom we already featured in the past on GAS for a guitar performance he did while impersonating Raiden, as he plays the theme from Mega Man 2’S Dr. Wily Stage. I’ve also included the original theme below for comparison purposes. Edit: Also be sure to check out the extremely cool […]
The number of people playing World of Warcraft has dropped by 1.3 million in the space of three months, a 13.5 percent decline. Activision says the growth of free online games has hurt, but has promised to release new content more frequently. The figures cover the first quarter of the year. According to the company’s […]
*Tatsumaki Senpukyaku!!* – Watch in awe as Ken kicks the sh*t out of Blanka for all eternity – and then gasp with glee as Eddie gets all Honda with his windy hand slap. [BL1TZEN | Via OW]
[Source: Reddit | Via Dorkly]