Dorkly Comic: PlayStation Plus vs. Xbox Live [Comic]
[Source: Julia Lepetit and Andrew Bridgman – Dorkly]
[Source: Julia Lepetit and Andrew Bridgman – Dorkly]
Cant… stop… listening… so… hypnotic… An original a cappella arrangement of the Overworld song from Super Mario World by Smooth McGroove. [Smooth McGroove]
Holy crap that was actually pretty good. I’d totally go and see this on the big screen if it would be a full feature film. From James McVinnie: I’m pleased to finally announce my new source filmmaker project. End of the Line. This has been in production since January. With a planned release around the […]
Mac owners sometimes complain about being left out when it comes to gaming. However, Electronic Arts clearly has an equal opportunity policy: its launch of SimCity on the Mac has gone as badly as on PC. The Mac launch had already been put back two months because, in the words of Kip Katsarelis of EA, […]
Watch as Internet sensation Nathan Barnatt gets hit on the head and starts dancing all over L.A. and Las Vegas dressed as Super Mario. [Nathan Barnatt]
Sure, Rockstar has released plenty of GTA V footage in the past, but none so far have been called “Official.” Grand Theft Auto V is coming September 17, 2013. Pre-order now on [Pre-Order GTA V]
Nintendo is releasing a 2D version of the 3DS. Or, less confusingly, it’s releasing an entry level handheld console aimed at casual gamers and the very young. The device, named simply the 2DS, has two screens but doesn’t fold down, so it might be a bit of a squeeze to fit most pockets. It also […]
Mario Warfare episode 4 is finally out, with episode 5 soon to be on its way. As far as I’m concerned, this is the coolest episode yet. If you haven’t seen the previous episodes yet, be sure to check them out right here: –Mario Warfare Episode 1 –Mario Warfare Episode 2 –Mario Warfare Episode 3 […]
Japan World Cup 3 is apparently a horse racing game, but as is often the case with stuff that comes from the Land of the Rising Sun, the whole thing will only make you shake you head in puzzlement. [Via]
Mario and Luigi doing what they do best: Parkour! Thanks Arielle! [Warialasky]