Hilarious Must-Watch Web Series: Tumbleweed [Episode 1 to 3]

A friend of mine just sent this awesome new web series to me, and I just had to share it with you guys. Tumbleweed is at episode 3 right now, so I’ve included all available episodes below for your watching convenience. A gamer starts playing “Tumbleweed,’ the most modern, graphically advanced, video game in history. […]

BOOKER, CATCH! (Bioshock Infinite Short Film Ft. Chris Hardwick & Chloe Dykstra)

Making his way through the floating city of Columbia, Booker DeWitt is a man on a mission! Luckily his ever helpful companion, Elizabeth, is always around to keep him stocked up on supplies, even if she might get a little overzealous with her throwing. Booker, Catch! [Nerdist]

This $500 3D Monopoly Set is a Beautiful, Beautiful Thing [Pic]

Priced at $500, this beautiful 3D Monopoly set is currently available for pre-order and will be available in November. A great gift for hardcore Monopoly fans. Oversized Monopoly Edition featuring custom, New York themed, 3D artwork by world renowned pop culture artist Charles Fazzino Beautiful 2” deep wood cabinet with tempered glass top 3-Dimensional artwork […]

Play Lovecraft-Inspired “Catachresis” Game From Your Browser for Free!

It is recommended you use Chrome to play game developer Cameron Kunzelman‘s Catachresis, a Lovecraft-inspired “linear story-game-non-game thing that combines the verbose, too-big-and-awful-to-actually-contain monsters of H.P. Lovecraft with the mysterious bureaucratic mess of Cabin in the Woods,” according to Kotaku. You can view the trailer below and play the game here! [via Kotaku]