Training Hard: A Pokemon Parody of Counting Stars [Music Video]
Hey, I wasn’t expecting something as awesome as this! It was actually surprisingly good! [NateWantsToBattle]
Hey, I wasn’t expecting something as awesome as this! It was actually surprisingly good! [NateWantsToBattle]
A song about the never ending conflict between gaming and dating by the folks over at the Warp Zone! [The Warp Zone]
I want to try the box stealth trick in front of real people, seriously. [Buzzfeed]
Download the demo here: He-Man Fighting Game. [bWWd | Via]
Youtuber Basami Sentaku used an old Famicon cartridge to build a harmonica that plays 8-bit sounds! The things generates sounds via a NES sound chip. It also features a mode where the harmonica generates the coin sound effect from Super Mario Bros when blown into. Check it out! [Basami Sentaku | Via]
A fantastic new ring concept by Paul Michael Design for the oldschool gamers among you! [Source: Paul Michael Design]
16 video game songs in 60 seconds. [Chad Neidt | Via LS]
Every other Monday, master swordsmith Tony Swatton forges your favorite weapons from video games, movies, and television. This week, he tackles Sephiroth’s Sword from Final Fantasy VII. [Awe Me]
Another all-too-true comic by Tony Wilson from Dorkly. [Source: Dorkly]
CineFix presents Pulp Fiction retold via old-school 8-bit (and a little 16 bit ;) game tech. No quarters or controllers required! [CineFix]