Skyrim + Cyberith Vistualizer + Oculus Rift + Wii Mote = Full VR Game Immersion [Video]

This man uses the Cyberith Vistualizer, an omnidirectional treadmill that acts like a game controller, along with a Oculus Rift and a Wii Mote to fully immerse himself in the world of Skyrim, and the experience looks totally fabulous! You can read more about the Cyberith Vistualizer by checking out the device’s website right here. […]

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII – A 16-Bit Style Retrospective

The scope of FINAL FANTASY XIII’s mythology is so massive it could only be fully told across three games, and the saga will finally reach its conclusion on February 11, 2014. Join us as we look back on the stories of FINAL FANTASY XIII and FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 that shaped Lightning into the heroine she […]