League of Legends – Out of My League: A Fitz and the Tantrums Parody [Music Video]

A new parody from the guys over at The Warp Zone featuring the lovely and hilarious AtomicMari! Be sure to check out Mari’s first episode of Japanese Quiki (Hmmm, that sounds wrong, somehow,) a series of videos teaching the Japanese language to the uninitiated. [The Warp Zone | AtomicMari]

Cool Rock Cover of Zelda’s Lullaby / Great Fairy Fountain (Ocarina of Time) [Music Video]

From The Human Tim: Here’s my first tune of 2014! Wanted to kick the year off right with some more music from The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time! I’ve been playing these two tunes for a couple months on my acoustic guitar while getting the baby settled in to sleep, and knew I had […]

Skyrim + Cyberith Vistualizer + Oculus Rift + Wii Mote = Full VR Game Immersion [Video]

This man uses the Cyberith Vistualizer, an omnidirectional treadmill that acts like a game controller, along with a Oculus Rift and a Wii Mote to fully immerse himself in the world of Skyrim, and the experience looks totally fabulous! You can read more about the Cyberith Vistualizer by checking out the device’s website right here. […]