The Ultimate Pokemon Parody Medley [Music Video]
A new parody song from my friends over at the Screen Team featuring songs from Miley Cyrus, Kesha, Katy Perry, One Republic, Avicii, Passenger, and more! [Screen Team]
A new parody song from my friends over at the Screen Team featuring songs from Miley Cyrus, Kesha, Katy Perry, One Republic, Avicii, Passenger, and more! [Screen Team]
Priorities. (Comic by Zac Gorman) [Source: Magical Game Time]
Another awesome comic by Andy Kluthe from Dorkly. [Source: Dorkly]
There’s also a version in Dutch for those interested. [KUD]
A fun ad that uses the Street Fighter II bonus level as its theme for a Turkish insurance company. Hadouken! [Anadolu Sigorta]
This ancient musical instrument, ladies and gentlegeeks, is a sheng, and it sounds just like the instrument used to play the Super Mario theme. [???? on Youtube]
Lol. [timtimfed]
A fantastic version of Those Who Fight Further, the battle music theme from Final Fantasy 7, performed on 16 floppy drives. Enjoy! [MrSolidSnake745]
From Paul Michael Design: Show your allegiance to him or her with this Horde Engagement ring that even Thrall would be proud to sport. Crafted in your choice of metal with natural or created stones. [PaulMichaelDesign]
From the Legoworld 2014 event: Us vs Them explains it works thanks to a Samsung Galaxy phone that takes pictures of all six faces, figures the most efficient solution, then sends instructions to a robotic arm via Bluetooth,