Three Hearts As One: An Elder Scrolls Online Bard Song Cover by Malukah
An original song composed by Malukah for the Elder Scrolls Online game. A beautiful song and a beautiful voice, what could we ask for more? [Malukah | The Elder Scrolls Online]
An original song composed by Malukah for the Elder Scrolls Online game. A beautiful song and a beautiful voice, what could we ask for more? [Malukah | The Elder Scrolls Online]
Be sure to check out this entertaining anthem to 8-bit video games by the guys from the GAG quartet. [Sugar Zaza]
A new parody song from my friends over at the Screen Team featuring songs from Miley Cyrus, Kesha, Katy Perry, One Republic, Avicii, Passenger, and more! [Screen Team]
Priorities. (Comic by Zac Gorman) [Source: Magical Game Time]
Another awesome comic by Andy Kluthe from Dorkly. [Source: Dorkly]
There’s also a version in Dutch for those interested. [KUD]
A fun ad that uses the Street Fighter II bonus level as its theme for a Turkish insurance company. Hadouken! [Anadolu Sigorta]
This ancient musical instrument, ladies and gentlegeeks, is a sheng, and it sounds just like the instrument used to play the Super Mario theme. [???? on Youtube]
Lol. [timtimfed]
A fantastic version of Those Who Fight Further, the battle music theme from Final Fantasy 7, performed on 16 floppy drives. Enjoy! [MrSolidSnake745]