Into the Thick of It (Secret of Mana – SNES) Done Multi-Track A Capella [Video]
An original a cappella arrangement of Into the Thick of It from Secret of Mana by Youtuber Smooth McGroove. [Smooth McGroove]
An original a cappella arrangement of Into the Thick of It from Secret of Mana by Youtuber Smooth McGroove. [Smooth McGroove]
A group of more than one million people have successfully joined forces to complete the same Gameboy game. The experiment allowed participants to control the game one button-press at a time, taking 16 days to complete it. The game was Pokemon Red/Blue from the original GameBoy, played via an emulator and displayed on Twitch, a […]
You might have thought the boom of Netflix streaming sparked the beginning of the end for disc-by-mail rental. But GameFly, which already mails game discs, is now getting into the movie rental business. The program is in a beta test, but has been made extremely simple. If you’ve got a plan that allows you to […]
A fantastic medley of video game themes played on beer bottles by the Bottle Boys. [It’s Big!]
Half man, half undead, ALL HERO! [veselekov | Via]
Sir, I’m gonna have to advise you against sending prepubescent minors in Peter Pan costumes to murder pig men after putting together triangles. Best line ever. [Source: Dorkly]
Yep, a Gameboy costume that acts as an actual “portable” console. The whole thing runs on a Raspberry Pi and can run various games via interchangeable game cartridges. Amazing, isn’t it? [MidgarZolom | Via FG | Reddit]
We’ve had our fair share of geeky weddings on Geeks are Sexy, but this is one of the most awesome and romantic ones I’ve seen in a while! Elegado & Datan I.XXV.MMXIV wedding theme based on Squaresoft’s/SQEX Final Fantasy video game series. Video editing + music selection by Parkershot Photography. Guests were cosplaying their characters. […]
An original song composed by Malukah for the Elder Scrolls Online game. A beautiful song and a beautiful voice, what could we ask for more? [Malukah | The Elder Scrolls Online]
Be sure to check out this entertaining anthem to 8-bit video games by the guys from the GAG quartet. [Sugar Zaza]