The ultimate geek collectable card game: “Triptych! Anything vs. Everything”

When we say “ultimate,” we mean it in the way that it’s a card game where it’s not a singular theme of fantasy or science fiction or anime, but rather as the name suggests, it’s a mix of anything and everything. This is the game where all the favorite schoolyard debates can be played out […]

MUST WATCH Short Sci-Fi Film – Deux Ex: Human Revolution

Deus Ex: Human Revolution is the third installment in the Deus Ex video game series. Dcode Films founder Moe Charif created — and starred in — a short film that focuses on the relationship between Deus Ex characters Adam Jensen and Megan Reed. Editor’s note: This is the best short sci-fi movie based on a […]

The Rise of Videogame Economies

From PBSoffbook: While players of multi-player games are aware of their in-game economies, their growth and complexity would surprise many outside the world of gaming. With hundreds of millions of players around the world, MMOGs’ in-game economies generate massive amounts of real dollars (i.e. MILLIONS), and real world economic theories can even be applied to […]