Luigi Has the Glare of a Psychopath in Mario Kart 8 [Video]
And that’s why you should never mess with Luigi. Never. [CZbwoi]
And that’s why you should never mess with Luigi. Never. [CZbwoi]
Fueled by next-gen technology, Mortal Kombat X combines unparalleled, cinematic presentation with dynamic gameplay to create an unprecedented Kombat experience. Featuring an original track by Wiz Khalifa titled “Can’t Be Stopped.” Mortal Kombat X is scheduled to be released in 2015. [Mortal Kombat Community]
Yep, that makes sense… [Source: Dueling Analogs]
In honor of Pac-Man’s 34th anniversary, video gaming media personality Patrick Scott Patterson made this video compilation of some the media coverage given to the game back in the early 80s. [Patrick Scott Patterson | Via LS]
[Via FG]
Mario and his kart are speeding back onto our consoles this month, and what better way to celebrate than with a countdown in honour of the mustachioed hero. [AllTime10s]
[Via Reddit | Watch_Dogs Companion ctOS app on Google Play | Watch_Dogs Companion ctOS app on the iPhone App Store]
A medley of various Mario songs performed on Electric Harps by Camille and Kennerly, the Harp Twins. [Camille and Kennerly]
Watch as The guys from “The Warp Zone,” dressed as mariachis, perform the Gerudo Valley theme from The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. [The Warp Zone]
Watch as Youtuber Vsauce3 gives us 6 awesome facts about the Nintendo Game Boy while disassembling one. [Vsauce3]