Tomb Raider: The Evolution of Lara Croft Through The Years [Video]
How Lara Croft has evolved over the years, from 1997 to today. [JakPlaysPC | Via DA]
How Lara Croft has evolved over the years, from 1997 to today. [JakPlaysPC | Via DA]
Did you know that to scale, Mario has a 27-foot vertical jump? This is just one of many facts you might know know about Nintendo listed in this video! [Buzzfeed]
From CineFix: In honor of Mean Girls 10th anniversary, we present Lindsay Lohan “classic” in the form of a classic 8-bit (and 16-bit) video game! [CineFix]
[Via Peter Moore on Twitter | Via Kotaku]
Did you know, the entire library of 822 original NES games can now fit on one single microSDXC card… 40 TIMES! [Source: Reddit]
A fun Game of Thrones Style intro for the Legend of Zelda… because a hero of time always pays his debts. [The Pixel Kingdom]
If you walked into your living room to find Aaron Paul had switched on your Xbox, you’d be confused. But that’s just what the Breaking Bad star — or at least his voice — has been doing according to users. Paul’s voice appears in a television commercial for the Xbox One in which he demonstrates […]
Watch as Sub Zero’s fatality faces the harsh reality of basic physics. [Pete Holmes]
Warning: gore. Watch the first Far Cry 4 gameplay footage, introducing the #1 most requested feature among fans: open-world co-op with a friend! [farcrygame]
For many video game players, one of the elements that creates a fully immersive environment into these fantastical worlds is the music that accompanies you along the journey. Many of us can pinpoint our favorite story arcs by the score that played in the background. The composers and musicians behind these games provide a crucial element […]