Top 10 Games in Development Hell [Video]
10 games that are in “development hell.” I, for one, lost all hopes of seeing Half-Life 3 come out one day. [Daily Motion]
10 games that are in “development hell.” I, for one, lost all hopes of seeing Half-Life 3 come out one day. [Daily Motion]
The final episode of Mario Warfare is here! If you’ve missed the previous episodes, you can watch them all right here. [beatdownboogie]
[Source: Hejibits]
Approximately 3 years ago, a WWE-themed video game was slated for release, but for various reasons, that never came to fruition. But take a look at this awesome concept art for it by artist Rich Lyons! [via Nuke the Fridge]
In all the editions and rule books of Dungeons and Dragons, the RPG has never specifically said that players cannot create characters that are neither specifically male nor female…but the rules have never actually said you could, either. Until now. Last Thursday, Wizards of the Coast released a set of “basic rules” for the upcoming fifth edition that are free for downloading, […]
The previous world record of beating Super Mario Bros. was 4:58.09. This guy seems to have done it 4:57.69, less than a second faster! The video appears to be legit, and he even posted a few links to explain his method and the legitimacy of his speedrun. [via Nerdist]
Here is the original Tetris “A” theme played on wine glasses by Youtuber Dan Newbie. [Dan Newbie | Via LS]
Did YOU blow on Nintendo game cartridges when you were young? I know I did… and that was back in the 80s, when the Internet wasn’t around to let me know that EVERYONE was doing it, even though it did little to actually “fix” my games. Check out this interesting video by “It’s ok to […]
Nope, in this case, the government isn’t lying, proof in case: [Source: Poorly Drawn Lines | Via Dueling Analogs]
From Zapruder Pictures: Ever wondered how a Grand Theft Auto movie would look like? A real life parody by Zapruder Pictures based on the GTA V first Trailer. [Zapruder Pictures]