Pokemon: The Honest Trailer [Video]
From Nintendo, comes the game that spawned five generations of sequels, five television shows, one Magic The Gathering rip-off, seventeen movies, and a god? [Smosh Games]
From Nintendo, comes the game that spawned five generations of sequels, five television shows, one Magic The Gathering rip-off, seventeen movies, and a god? [Smosh Games]
Watch as 10-year-old Audrey gets a score of 97% performing Slayer’s War Ensemble on Rocksmith 2014. Also, be sure to watch her little sister scream her lungs out to accompany her. [audrey123talks | Via IC]
An awesome cover of the Chemical Plant Zone theme from Sonic 2 by Youtuber Epic Keyboard Guy. If you like what he’s doing, be sure to subscribe to Epic Keyboard Guy on Youtube! [Epic Keyboard Guy on Youtube]
[MrBaconman17 | Via Memebase]
At Pokemon Electric, we believe that Pokemon are a gift….why not use them properly? [rizenvisual]
Former Panamanian leader Manuel Noriega is suing Activision because he believes a character in Call of Duty: Black Ops II uses his image without permission. While there’s no question that did happen, it’s uncertain whether Noriega — currently in prison in Panama — has the legal right to protect his image in the United States. […]
Whether you’re a Geography Bee champ or a Social Studies chump, Google has a MAP for that. Utilizing its Maps feature, Google has created a game called “Smarty Pins,” The Verge reported. Google asks you a random trivia question about a specific city or country, and you’re tasked with dropping a pin on the right spot. Players can […]
This is amazing. Edit: And here’s a much better version we posted a while ago, but I’ll repost it anyways. (Thanks qner!) [Quinn Halleck]
[Via TMP]
From the developer, Notch, comes a game like no other (unless you count Lego, Lincoln Logs, Mega Bloks, K’NEX, Erector Sets, or playing outside) – Minecraft. [Smosh Games]