Which D&D Class Should You Play: A Flowchart
Need help to choose which D&D class is best for you? Here’s a flowchart to help you pick! [Source: The Dungeon Hacker | Via GG]
Need help to choose which D&D class is best for you? Here’s a flowchart to help you pick! [Source: The Dungeon Hacker | Via GG]
Is going all in on charisma a new way to play? [VLDL]
This guy got roasted really badly for proclaiming on Twitter that Aloy from Horizon Forbidden West has a beard. Ever heard of vellus hair/peach fuzz, dude? Litteraly all human beings in the whole history of humanity had some on their bodies. There’s even a pic of Marilyn Monroe in the discussion thread below showing her […]
Check out this absolutely delightful cover of the Song of Storms from Zelda: Ocarina of Time by Alina Gingertail. [Alina Gingertail]
Why are guards in video games so stupid? [VLDL]
If you love oldschool games, this small console with over 600 retro game is for you! Including games such as Street Fighter, Super Mario Bros, Tetris, Dungeons & Dragons, and much more, this $25 game system offers a lot of bang for your bucks! For the complete list of games, hit this link. The console […]
Here is the official music video from “Video Games” by Tenacious D! Also, Kyle Gass is really getting his derrière handed to him in the video. Poor him. [Tenacious D]
Here’s a segment from Antiques Roadshow featuring a lady whose mother bought her a full base set of Pokémon trading cards back in 1999 for $35. Now, according to the appraiser in the video, the set is worth between $5,000 and $10,000. Unfortunately, the value of these cards is very volatile, so if the woman […]
Inventor Colin Furze, in partnership with Warframe, built a weightless flying machine that allows him to do parkour and fly just like the characters do in Warframe! Check it out in the video above, and if you are curious about how he built the thing, you can watch the built process below! [Colin Furze | […]