It’s True: Destiny and Phantasy Star Online Are the Same Game
[Source: MikeyJayRaymond on Reddit]
[Source: MikeyJayRaymond on Reddit]
The most frustrating game franchise ever: Dark Souls. From Smosh Games: In a world where new games are as easy as you want them to be, one franchise dares to return to gaming’s roots – it’s frustrating, rage inducing roots. From “From Software” comes Dark Souls. [Smosh Games]
Check out this quick Firefly Online 3d environment engine sneap peek, which was unveiled at NYCC 2014 this weekend. From Firefly Online: What you’re seeing in this video is *not* a cinematic. It is a live recording of the Firefly Online 3D Environment Engine at work, which creates the encounter maps for the game. This […]
Watch as artist Chris Carlson brings King Hippo from Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! to life via chalk art. [Awe Me]
The Minecraft Doctor Who Skins Volume I is a DLC that is exclusively available for the Xbox 360 edition of Minecraft. Launch yourself on an epic adventure in space and time with the Minecraft Doctor Who Skins Volume I. Over 50 characters from all eras of the show including the First, Fourth, Eleventh and Twelfth […]
From Thinkgeek: These Zelda Statues depict Link and Ganondorf as they appear in the game The Legend of Zelda – Twilight Princess. Link stand at 10″ tall on his sculpted base, while Ganondorf is a bit bigger at 12″ tall. Both are incredibly detailed and are approved by Nintendo! Hey, it’s a good thing these […]
Pretty convincing, right? Now go and buy it. [Far Cry 4 | Source: huankev on Reddit | Via]
15 games, 23 locations: Can you Name them all? Cheat sheet right here! All scenes are recreated in 3D software Cinema 4D and Zbrush.. [Tim Hijlkema]
Every other Monday, our team of blacksmiths and craftsman will be building some of your favorite weapons, and some weapons that you’ve never seen before. This week, they recreate Squall Leonhart’s Gunblade from Final Fantasy VIII! [Awe Me]
The story telling of Halo, the scope of World of Warcraft, and the co-operative fun of Borderlands may eventually get patched in, but until then play the worlds hottest 7 out of 10 – Destiny. [Smosh Games]