The Most Amazing “League of Legends” Cosplay Photos You’ll See Today [Picture Gallery]

Another great photo by the always amazing Lexa One! And have you seen those costumes? They’re just perfect!!! Featuring Yaya Han as Arcade Miss Fortune, Henchmen Props as Classic Lee Sin, and Vickybunnyange as Arcade Sona. Arcade Miss Fortune: Yaya Han Classic Lee sin: Henchmen Props Arcade Sona: Vickybunnyangel Photo by Lexa One Photographie

Psycho Soup: An Awesome Musical “Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel” Remix by Pogo [Video]

I haven’t heard anything this good from POGO in a long time! From POGO: Psycho Soup is a track I made using sounds from the Borderlands games and original music I created with Sylenth1 in Ableton Live. I spent around 4 weeks extracting sounds from the game files, applying hacks to the game to disable […]