Lindsey Stirling Fights a Dragon in Marvelous Dragon Age: Inquisition Music Video
Watch as violinist extraordinaire Lindsey Stirling fights a dragon with the power of music in this Dragon Age: Inquisition promotional music video. [Lindsey Stirling]
Watch as violinist extraordinaire Lindsey Stirling fights a dragon with the power of music in this Dragon Age: Inquisition promotional music video. [Lindsey Stirling]
[Source: SaberRider0815 on Reddit | Via]
If you’ve still got an NES but you find the controller a little small and fiddly, this could be the solution. Etsy seller Miller Woodshop has produced a fully-functioning giant controller in the form of a table: This table was built to scale with the original NES controller. This fully functional controller’s buttons have been […]
In case you’ve ever wondered if you could produce a Pokemon title sequence using only footage from Game of Thrones, it appears the answer is yes… [Via: Geek Tyrant]
For one of their performances in the final of the latest series of Dancing With The Stars, Duck Dynasty star Sadie Robertson and pro dancer Mark Ballas broke out some old school Nintendo moves. (Those of you in the US can get a better quality version courtesy of ABC’s geo-blocked upload.) [Screenshot credit: Geekologie)
If you’ve got the Xbox One or 360 versions of Minecraft, you can now download a skin pack of Star Wars characters for $2.99. The full list is: 4-LOM Admiral Ackbar AT-AT Pilot Ben Kenobi Bib Fortuna Blockade Runner Soldier Boba Fett Bossk C-3PO Cantina Band Member Chewbacca Darth Vader Dengar Emperor Emperor’s Royal Guard […]
If you bought a PS Vita in the US before June 1, 2012, you should be getting compensation from Sony. That’s because it has settled a Federal Trade Commission complaint accusing it of false advertising. The complaint centered on advertising relating to the Vita’s cross-platform features, particularly the implication that the features would work in […]
Staff at Leicester University in the UK have uncovered a terrible secret: Super Mario Galaxy couldn’t exist because the gravity involved would cause the planets to explode. Writing in the Journal of Physics Special Topics, they explain the problem in great detail. The quick and dirty version is that Mario is able to walk and […]
The dynamic nature of the traffic in GTA V means occasionally you’ll see a traffic jam or a collision and some angry NPC responses. But sometimes things spiral totally out of control. YouTube user Naswas says this video is of what happened when he left the room for a few minutes to get a snack. […]
We’ve featured a few acapella versions of game music by Diwa de Leon before, but this is certainly the most ambitious to date: all 18 minutes of the theme Dancing Mad from Final Fantasy VI. Check out the YouTube page for full details of how technically challenging the project was.