An Ode to Gamers: It’s Not Ridiculous, it’s Bullet-Time! [Video]
These guys should get an Oscar for their performance, seriously. [OlanRogers]
These guys should get an Oscar for their performance, seriously. [OlanRogers]
A fantastic and hilarious Metal Gear Solid fan film by the guys from Fury Fingers. Loved those lines: Boss: “Did anyone see what type of box he went it?” Soldier: Cardboard… It was definitely cardboard. [Fury Fingers]
From Youtuber Asalieri2: It’s time to brush aside the oft regurgitated myth that strong female leads in videogames are and have always been nonexistent or relegated to background or joke status. So what do you geeks think? Is this guy right or do you think strong female characters should be more present in games in […]
A copy of one of the rarest ever video games is attracting near six-figure bids on eBay. The listing is for a sealed copy of Stadium Events on NES from 1987. At the time of writing, the highest of 81 bids on the cartridge was $99,850, with three days remaining. That means that unless the […]
[Source: 3dbdotcom on Reddit]
Researchers in Canada say they’ve created a computer program that has “weakly solved” a form of poker. It may be the first such solution for a game where players don’t have all relevant information available to them. Cepheus, developed at the University of Alberta, is said to be able to play a perfect game of two-player […]
Every other Monday, our team of blacksmiths and craftsman will be building some of your favorite weapons, and some weapons that you’ve never seen before. This week, we’re recreating Dante’s Rebellion Sword from Devil May Cry! [Awe Me]
This cool SNES-style doormat comes from our pals at Thinkgeek and has to be one of the coolest doormat we’ve ever seen… but we might be biased just a little bit since most of us here are oldschool gamers. [16-Bit Game Controller Doormat – Available at Thinkgeek]
Yep, totally true, especially when sitting down on the floor for a gaming session that lasts more than 30 minutes. [Source: ChaosLife Comics]
While we all sit impatiently and wait for Kingdom Hearts 3 to (never) arrive, we break down all of the zippers, buckles, and character plots of the Kingdom Hearts franchise! [Smosh Games]