Epic Elder Scrolls Online Cinematic Trailer Announces End of Monthly Fees + PS4 and Xbox One Release Date

Looks like Bethesda is finally removing the monthly subscription fee on their Elder Scrolls Online game and will be releasing it for the PS4 and Xbox One as well! Beginning June 9th, you can join your friends on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 to play The Elder Scrolls Online โ€“ Tamriel Unlimitedโ€ฆ with no game […]

10 Cheesy ‘Resident Evil’ Lines Rewritten for the Remake

The one thing most avid gamers can agree on is that the voice work and dialogue in the original PlayStation version of Resident Evil was atrocious. So much so, in fact, it caused moments of the game to mistakenly tread into “so bad it’s funny” territory. Well good news for fans who’ve been clamoring to […]

Exploding Kittens: A New Card Game by the Creator of “The Oatmeal”

“Exploding Kittens” is an upcoming game by The Oatmeal creator Matthew Inman that is currently up for funding on kickstarter. Just 20 minutes after being launched, the game reached its kickstarting goal, and then busted the 1000% mark after just an hour! As I’m writing this, the project has received over $1,123,466! Exploding Kittens is […]