Characters in Video Games: One Step Forward Followed by One Step Back?

Check out this interesting discussion that recently took place on Twitter between review editor Arthur Boop Gies and Michael Hartman, CEO of Frogdice, on the hypersexualization of characters in video games. While Gies is all about creating characters that embrace reality with their outfits, Hartman thinks variety is the way to go. What do […]

5 Times Games Got Space Really, Really Right

You may see outer space an awful lot in science fiction games, but how often do you see it represented accurately? Outside Xbox threw together this cool list to show us the few examples of video games actually representing outer space realistically, based on science and what we already know. [Image via Woondu, story via […]

Hasbro Reveals Animated-Style Darth Vader and Older Ahsoka Figures

Hasbro has revealed new ‘animated’ style looks for Darth Vader and an Older Ahsoka which should be almost ready to release. Though we are all hoping for some teaser characters from the Force Awakens, these Rebels figures will have to do for now. Who am I kidding. That Darth is awesome, and most geeks know, […]