Star Wars Battlefront Reveal Trailer [Video]

Holy crap! The ominous thud of an AT-AT stomping down. Rebel forces firing blasters. Imperial speeder bikes zipping by. Intense dogfights between squadrons of X-wings and TIE fighters filling the skies. Immerse yourself in the epic Star Wars battles youโ€™ve always dreamed of and create new heroic moments of your own in Star Wars Battlefront. […]

Can You Turn Into A Werewolf in ‘Bloodborne?’

Bloodborne has a lot of people’s blood boiling right now in a good way. The hardcore PS4 exclusive seems to be just the game the eighth console generation needed. Difficult, bloody, rewarding. And what we are slowly learning, bigger and more in-depth than many of us initially knew. In this case, we are talking about […]

Campaigner & Publishers Battle Over ‘Dead’ Video Games

Digital rights campaigners want legal protection for gamers who want to carry on playing games after the relevant servers have shut down. But software firms have reportedly opposed such a move as promoting hacking. The issue has been raised by the Electronic Frontier Foundation and involves games which rely on access to an online server […]