UPDATE: Man Sends Thousands of Bottle Caps to Bethesda to Pre-Order Fallout 4; Bethesda Agrees!

Remember the story we posted last week about a gamer who sent in 11.2 pounds of bottle caps (About 2,240) to Bethesda as currency to pre-order Fallout 4? Well geeks, Bethesda as answered his request, and since he was the first to attempt this, they will honor the pre-order! Now how unbelievably cool is that, […]

Thinkgeek Summer Clearance: Save Up to 75% Off on Hundreds of Items!

Thinkgeek currently has a huge summer clearance sale where they’re offering up to 75% off on hundreds of items, from t-shirts to gadgets and kitchen items to geek toys. There are A LOT of stuff on sale, so be sure to check everything they have to offer! [Thinkgeek Summer Clearance: Save Up to 75% Off […]