10 Compulsive Gaming Habits You Always REGRET
We all have gaming habits. Little rituals and things, but I bet most of us are not even aware we do these. I know I’m guilty of most of these, how about you? (Gameranx)
We all have gaming habits. Little rituals and things, but I bet most of us are not even aware we do these. I know I’m guilty of most of these, how about you? (Gameranx)
WELL, I, UM, BET YOU DON’T HAVE AN N.P.C, A.I CONTROLLED FRIENDS OR WHATEVER! *Hits power and runs off crying at how deeply those words cut. God gaming, I love you. But sometimes you really hurt me. (Imgur)
Let’s none of us even pretend Fallout 4 is not going to be the best game ever, because it is (until Last of Us 2 comes out, anyway). In the last week or so, Bethesda has begun releasing this video series that focuses on certain aspects of the new Fallout game (and that gaming universe […]
Readers, I have a question: how many unique games of chutes and ladders can you have on a particular board? It’s a question that I believe cannot be answered, but I would love to hear your answers, or at least your methodology for trying to reach an answer. The question stems from me and my […]
A strange juxtaposition in gaming is that a wonderful, enjoyable, engaging game can still have a few really annoying enemies. You know the kind I ma talking about. Flying around too sporadically to get a clean shot off. Perhaps overly powered for no reason. We have all faced them and cursed at our screens. Here […]
….And some gamers just have it in spades. (Imgur)
From Awe Me: Every other Monday, our team of blacksmiths and craftsman will be building some of your favorite weapons, and some weapons that you’ve never seen before. Our team loved facing new challenges with this KeyBlade from Kingdom Hearts! [Awe Me]
Cosplayer April Gloria looks absolutely stunning as Mjoll the Lioness, a Nord vigilante that is part of the Skyrim/Elder Scrolls universe. The costume was entirely created by April and her husband using Volpin Props‘ Wonderflex tutorial. Hunting bow from PVC Armory. Source: April Gloria
Sorry but that does look very much like Kanye West, which is weird, considering GTA V did the same thing. The picture above is from Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and the one below from GTA V: And in Mass Effect 2: No, but really, why is Kanye West in so many darn […]
I am one of those goofy gamers who thinks that glitches are sometimes more fun than the game themselves. They offer an often hilarious moment in what is otherwise a very serious game. Take these Phantom Pain glitches, for example. A great game with some GREAT glitches. Also, a horse can poop on you on […]