Who Needs Charisma When You Have High Lockpicking Skills?
Hahahaha, take that, Charisma bonuses! [Imgur]
Hahahaha, take that, Charisma bonuses! [Imgur]
“Hey, that guy just killed a group of our fellow raiders, and it took him minimal effort and cost him no health at all. I should charge him with a small knife I stole from an empty kitchen while screaming “vengeance” at the top of my lungs. I am sure that will end well for […]
The second trailer for “Deus Ex: Mankind Divided” is here, and it looks amazing! “Deus Ex” has been one of my favorite video game series for a long time, so I can’t wait for this game to come out! [Deus Ex: Mankind Divided]
View post on imgur.com It’s almost here, people… (imgur)
A comic by Andy Kluthe and Tristan Cooper from Dorkly. [Source: Dorkly]
The Unipiper recently made an appearance as Link at the 2015 Portland Retro Gaming Expo and performed some “Legend of Zelda” music on his flaming bagpipes while riding a unicycle. [The Unipiper]
Watch as two veterans from the U.S. military go head to head against two pro gamers in a match of Call of Duty. [BuzzFeedVideo]
We may get nothing about gameplay from this trailer, but just the fact that we are getting a Friday the 13th game is pretty awesome. Let’s just hope it is more like Until Dawn and less like the Friday the 13th game that was on the N.E.S. I shudder just to think about that abomination. […]
Looks like if this round of Battlefront didn’t announce victory soon, someone was going to end up on the wrong end of a red light saber. Epic win, my friend. Imgur
The PC master race love to know what games push their systems to their limits while also showing off the best graphics a game can produce. This list is aimed at them so they can know which games will push their rigs to the limits whilst also getting the most out of them. These are […]