Dorkly Comic: Fallout 4: 1 Hour In VS 30 Hours in
Yep, that about sums it up. A comic by Julia Lepetit from Dorkly. [Source: Dorkly]
Yep, that about sums it up. A comic by Julia Lepetit from Dorkly. [Source: Dorkly]
All parents should get a copy of this meme with their kid’s next semesters report card so they at least understand. (imgur)
Warning: Very minor spoiler. I don’t know about you guys, but this is one of the things that I find really disappointing with Fallout 4. Yes, the game totally ROCKS, but the generic missions from “The Brotherhood of Steel” and “The Railroad” are just always the same. Yes, it’s only a minor part of the […]
From the American Chemical Society: Itโs a big week for gamers now that the long-anticipated Fallout 4 video game is out. The series takes place in a world decades after nuclear war has destroyed most of civilization. Only those who hid in fallout shelters survived. While this idea works in a fictional game universe, could […]
For those of you who play Black Ops 3, load the map called “NUK3TOWN” and them shoot all of the Mannequins arms off in under 2 minutes. If you’ve ever watched Doctor Who, this should totally freak you out! :) [TheHiddenBlade01]
From the developer of some of the worst franchise reboots the world has ever known comes the reason gearbox is still allowed to make video games. [Smosh Games]
So with all the talk being about Fallout 4, people have forgotten to ask. Is Stars Wars Battlefront as good as it looks? Yes and no… but mostly yes. See for yourself. Buy Star Wars: Battlefront on (GT Reviews)
Breaking Bad and Fallout 4. Two great tastes that taste great together. Don’t you just love how the character creation process in the game allows you to make you character look like pretty much anyone? (Imgur)
Youtuber Defendthehouse is testing five Fallout 4 myths to see if they’re true or not. More episodes from this series will be coming soon! [DefendTheHouse]
A quick and funny tutorial on how to be good at playing the new Fallout by Youtuber videogamedunkey. Warning: Language [videogamedunkey]