Hilarious: How to Play Fallout 4 [Video]
A quick and funny tutorial on how to be good at playing the new Fallout by Youtuber videogamedunkey. Warning: Language [videogamedunkey]
A quick and funny tutorial on how to be good at playing the new Fallout by Youtuber videogamedunkey. Warning: Language [videogamedunkey]
A side-by-side comparison of the real Teletubbies intro and the one created by Mefish in GTA V. Yeah, I know, that’s totally messed up. Just watch the thing. [Merfish]
Truth is, humanity will probably destroy civilization, so these 7 video games were probably not that off about the future. Just being honest. (PlaystationAccess)
We are all super excited about The Force Awakens next month, so how do we bide our time while we wait? Well, you could play these 8 awesome Star Wars games to really get you pumped up and remind you why that galaxy far, far away is one of our favorites, real or not. [Zoomin.TV.Games]
Because nothing is worse than getting gear at the end of a quest that’s a huge downgrade from what you’ve already got… Warning: language. [mashed]
The often too true and sad reality. [Source: Cheer Up, Emo Kid | Like “Cheer Up, Emo Kid” on Facebook | Follow “Cheer Up, Emo Kid” on Twitter]
Top 10 7’s may sound and look strange, but what this simply means is these are the best seventh games in a series. Just shows you, some series lose steam after three entries, but some just has what it takes to keep getting better. Here are some examples, via Gametrailers.
NVidia has hired professional skydiver Jeff Provenzano to promote its relatively new Nvidia Shield gaming system, dropping him, along with a full living room, from 10,000 feet in the air. Also, thank god for that small text warning at 0:46. I was just about to jump when I read that. [NVIDIA SHIELD]
Yes, you can still be a sarcastic jerk in Fallout 4, much like all the other wonderful Fallout games. Here are some of the best sarcastic responses from Fallout 4, so far, via OutsideXbox. Am I jealous they are already playing it? No, not at all. *Cries forever
Aerial51zd took some screenshots from the World of Warcraft game and compared them to the same locations as observed in the latest Warcraft movie trailer. [Source: Aerial51zd on Imgur]