Mad Mario and the Starry Road [Animated GIF]
Pixel art at its finest. The internet has a new best Gif of all time. Game over, literally. Mad Mario for the win. (Imgur)
Pixel art at its finest. The internet has a new best Gif of all time. Game over, literally. Mad Mario for the win. (Imgur)
The big buzz in gaming right now is that VR is about to (finally) take off. With Playstation having their own VR set they are about to release, it makes us wonder, has everyone forgotten about the Oculus Rift? This new VR rig is set to change the way we game forever, yet we still […]
To the Imgur user who mixed two amazing things together to make them even more amazing, you are a genius and all fellow geeks including myself bow before your creative majesty. I know you used a killer website to help you but just allow us to heap this praise on you for a moment, not them. […]
Watch as two teams of painters fight for their turf, splatoon style! [AndrewMFilms]
Finally, a trailer that shows more than just characters slicing Titan’s nuques open. Attack on Titan is expected to be released on February 18th in Japan and sometime in Spring 2016 for the rest of the world. [Games News | Via GT]
One thing you have to give Bethesda credit for, when they go for creepy, they tend to hit it out of the park (you fans remember the serial killer simulation?). Fallout 4 was no exception. Here are some creepy places from Fallout 4 that may be a bit freakier than you first assumed. Being from New […]
The genre of racing games is very touch and go. The people who seem to enjoy racing games seem to REALLY enjoy them, whereas the rest of gamers pretty much refuse to play them. This list is for those who love to feel the wind in their virtual hair. Looks like 2016 is gonna have […]
NASA astronaut Scott Kelly, who marked day 300 of a historic year in space on Jan. 21, 2016, shows off another fascinating feature of life in microgravity. Kelly used two paddles with hydrophobic, or water repellant, features to pass a sphere of water back and forth. Scientists use the microgravity environment of the space station […]
A fantastic short movie in the “Tomb Raider” universe by our pals over at Fury Fingers, featuring the lovely Shiveeejam, whom we featured in the past for her awesome Deadpool cosplay. Down to her last arrow, Lara finds a path through enemy soldiers via an explosive barrel. But getting the right angle and shot can […]
One game, 4 short movies by 4 brilliant Youtube channels. Just watch them all, they’re all really good. Inspired by the groundbreaking video game and created in collaboration with innovative YouTube powerhouses CorridorDigital, RocketJump, and Devin Supertramp, Ubisoft proudly presents Tom Clancy’s The Division™: Agent Origins. This thrilling live action video series follows the lives […]