Final Fantasy XV Gameplay Trailer #3 [Video]
Noctis and his team infiltrate an imperial base in Square Enix’s latest combat footage from FINAL FANTASY XV. [Final Fantasy XV]
Noctis and his team infiltrate an imperial base in Square Enix’s latest combat footage from FINAL FANTASY XV. [Final Fantasy XV]
Love the last part with Kylo Ren! :) The blockbuster film Star Wars: The Force Awakens comes to life in LEGO video game form June 28, 2016. Check out the announce teaser trailer and pre-order today! –LEGO Star Wars: Force Awakens (PS4) –LEGO Star Wars: Force Awakens (XBox One)
A GTA 5 recreation of the Batman v Superman trailer by Youtuber Merfish. Be sure to check out he side by side comparison video below as well! [Merfish]
From the company that’s just now figuring out how the internet works, comes the game where they finally got tired of making Mario titles and said “you know what, **** it, just make the levels yourself”. Super Mario Maker! [Smosh Games]
Everyone is drooling over the new puzzle game The Witness, yet so few seem to know what it is about or what you do. Gameranx threw together this nice little video explaining some of the games finer details and letting you gamers know if The Witness is just what you are looking for or a […]
Nintendo recently released a trailer for one of their upcoming games, Great Detective Pikachu, but since the trailer was in Japanese, Youtuber Tealhollow1 took it upon himself to replace the character’s voice with the one from Danny DeVito. [Tealhollow1 | Via Dorkly]
I wouldn’t call this location from The Witness so much an Easter egg as I would a testimony to the art team behind the game and just how immersive the world they created is. In case you have no idea what we are talking about in the above photo, just tilt your head a bit […]
For Robert and Jeannette’s wedding, master jeweler Takayas Mizuno has created a set of Legend of Zelda-themed rings inspired by the “Gate of Time” from “TLOZ: Skyward Sword.” A truly beautiful ring! Jeanette’s wedding jacket features the Gate of Time symbols engraved throughout the bands. For accents stones, we used seven diamonds and as well […]
A Google computer has handily beaten a leading champion at the board game Go. It’s arguably a far more impressive AI achievement than computers prevailing at chess. The game of Go appears on the surface to be simple, involving placing black or white pieces on a grid in an attempt to capture opposing pieces by […]
Follow Mario through a new take on the classic Level 1-1. Nerds and Geeks are going to want a slice of this! [gamerboymedia]