Super Mario: The Kart Awakens [Video]
A fantastic mashup of the Super Mario and Star Wars universe by Youtuber Dark Pixel. Now this is what Podracing is all about! [Dark Pixel]
A fantastic mashup of the Super Mario and Star Wars universe by Youtuber Dark Pixel. Now this is what Podracing is all about! [Dark Pixel]
Google’s Go-playing software is to take on one of the world’s best players. The match, to be shown live on YouTube, follows the software beating a professional player for the first time. The software, dubbed AlphaGo, is to take on Lee Sedol. Although the game doesn’t have a single undisputed world championship, Sedol is often […]
Now keep in mind I can see the screen of the console is Photoshopped, but all else about this (including the source) is legit, so let us assume it is real for a moment. So someone modded their laptop so it could be hold a PS4 and a XBone. Do you even understand this? Can […]
Yeah, screw that guy! (Imgur)
These awesome cosplays designed by redditor 3dbdotcom mash up the world of the Super Mario Brothers with the Fallout Universe, and I have to say, I’m sold to the idea! [Sourceรฉ: 3dbdotcom on Reddit | Via Technabob]
Hideo Kojima is an enigma wrapped in a mystery. One of the most beloved game creators out there, yet had a recent falling out with Konami that left many scratching their heads. So who is this man? What is he up to next? Why are his games so awesome yet to so weird? This list […]
Just goes to prove you can’t just throw away one of your kids because they are ugly. They will always find a way back home just to flip you off, right in your face. Punk Kid=1 Horrible Parents=0 Well played, Sims. Well played. (Reddit)
[Source: Adam Ellis Comics on Facebook | Follow Adam Ellis on Twitter | Adam Ellis (Official)]
I am literally drooling for a new DOOM game, and this is making me drool even harder. Check out the single player campaign and smile at the fact that Bethesda/Id are still nice enough to make single player games that kick this much butt! Warning: This is Doom we’re talking about, so be ready for […]
The hardest puzzles to solve are those that were clearly conceived by video game developers taking some bad acid. [Cracked]