The Most Accurate Fallout 4 Cosplays Ever [Vine Video]
Fallout 4 shenanigans. Be sure to unmute the Vine video below for an amazing performance by Preston Garvey! [Source: Jake Young on Vine]
Fallout 4 shenanigans. Be sure to unmute the Vine video below for an amazing performance by Preston Garvey! [Source: Jake Young on Vine]
Watch as Chell and Gordon fight for some cake. No lies. None. [AndrewMFilms]
That’s right, Teetris. Warning: Language. [Darkk Mane]
I can assure you people will be finding Easter Eggs hidden in Fallout 4 for years to come. The game is massive and gamers are only just cracking the true surface and depth of this game now, weeks after release. But what about we flash back to the original Fallout to see some eggs STILL […]
In a move that will leave most gamers incredibly happy, some fans of the original KOTR game (Knights of the Old Republic, which many consider to be the greatest Star Wars game ever made, and ONE of the best RPGs ever made) are remaking the game with modern visuals. From creators Apeiron: “Apeiron is a […]
The ZX Spectrum is being relaunched as a handheld games console, shipping with 1,000 games built in. The Vega+, currently on crowdfunding site Indiegogo, is a follow-up to the ZX Spectrum Vega released just over a year ago. Whereas that was a plug-in controller to work with a TV set, the Vega+ is a fully-contained […]
Free to play games aren’t always up to snuff when it comes to quality when compared to their big budget brothers, but they are still free to play games, and who complains about free stuff? Just avoid micro-transactions and keep console gaming alive if you do, indeed, try these free to play games this year. […]
Guy Collins took over 16 months to create this amazing animation telling the story of a gamer trying to get her boyfriend out of a video game trap he fell in. Don’t miss this one, this is one of the best and most interesting animation I’ve seen on the web in a while! [Guy Collins […]
What if Yoshi became player 1? [Dorkly]
This footage from the new Hitman game speaks for itself. Blue steel, all the way. Good timing with Zoolander 2 right about to drop. Does not seem like a coincidence, but maybe that is just me. [OutsideXbox]