The Character Creation Process [Comic]
Yep, all true. A fantastic comic by Christian Palmer-Smith from “Kit Draws!” [Source: Kit Draws!]
Yep, all true. A fantastic comic by Christian Palmer-Smith from “Kit Draws!” [Source: Kit Draws!]
The Show and Tell Props shop has created this beautiful 1:1 replica of “The Last Minute,” a unique gauss rifle that can be purchased from Ronnie Shaw at The Castle in Fallout 4. The Last Minute is a unique variant of the Gauss Rifle in Fallout 4. It includes the Crippling effect, which causes 50% […]
Square Enix has just released a trailer for an upcoming CGI film called Kingsglaive, which will tell the story of some of the events that are leading to Final Fantasy XV. The movie is expected to be released next fall. Final Fantasy XV will be available worldwide on September 30 for the PS4 or Xbox […]
Julia Lepetit and Jake Young from Dorkly take a look at what might possibly be the biggest problem with the upcoming Warcraft movie. If you’re wondering what this is about, here’s a video that will explain everthing: [Source: Dorkly]
There’s nothing better than an irradiated bowl of cereals to start your day! From Thinkgeek: Get this Sugar Bombs Cereal Bowl for the most important meal of the day. (Or, in the Wasteland, often the only meal of the day.) It holds 14 ounces of sugary goodness, all the way down to the sludge at […]
This is how the poster would look if the World of Warcraft movie were going for “realistic by game terms.” Yes, now we can understand why they strayed from that look and went gritty, to be honest. (imgur)
Once again this year geeks from all around the U.S. (and the world) flocked to Downtown Los Angeles to partake in the joys of Wondercon instead of celebrating Easter. I scoured Flickr for some CC-licensed photography of the event, and as usual, there was plenty to choose from. Many thanks to Pat Loika, David Ngo, […]
From the company that desperately wants you to forget the first time they tried this, comes a game that finally lets you recreate the action figure battles you had as a kid – as long as you didn’t own any Marvel toys: Injustice: Gods Among Us. [Smosh Games]
A fantastic cover of the Lion’s Pride Inn theme from World of Warcraft done entirely with virtual instruments on an iPad by Youtuber Banjo Guy Ollie. Apps used: Celtic Harp (Jason Sommerlad) Irish Flute (Michael Eskin) Hammered Dulcimer (Michael Eskin) Honner Piano Accordion (Michael Eskin) Real Violin (Pylar Studio) Mandolin!!!! ( Nick Culbertson ) Garage […]
There’s an epic Pokemon battle occurring – between two new types of Pokemon: person type! [Smosh]