Game Pirate vs DLC Ninja [Video]
There’s two version of the video, first, let’s look at what happens when the pirate wins: Warning: Language. And now, here’s the version where the ninja wins: [Mashed]
There’s two version of the video, first, let’s look at what happens when the pirate wins: Warning: Language. And now, here’s the version where the ninja wins: [Mashed]
“Player Two” is a sad, beautiful and touching short film that was inspired by a comment left on a Youtube video several years ago by a user named 00WARTHERAPY00. Watch it below. Warning: It might make you tear up. [John Wikstrøm]
[Source: The GaMERCat | Like “The GaMERCat” on Facebook | Follow “The GaMERCat” on Twitter]
The folks from Corridor Digital have created a funny short film featuring the characters from Team Fortress, but swapping their guns with the NERF equivalent. Check it out! [Corridor Digital]
Wisdom. Power. Courage. Corruption. Experience the Legend of Zelda as you’ve never seen it before in this live-action, morally-grey fan-film mashup with Game of Thrones. The Hyrule Kingdom is on the edge of ruin from years of warfare against the Gerudo, but a cruel deal has been set in motion that will change the course […]
Julia Lepetit from Dorkly takes a look at what truly happens when a game that you’ve been waiting after for a long time gets pushed back. [Source: Dorkly]
Sure, 30 to 40 years ago Dungeons and Dragons was accused of turning docile children into demons, but the game that once caused widespread panic in the media could now be a solution to problems plaguing modern parenting. [RETRO REPORT]
[Source: The Very Near Future | Follow “The Very Near Future” on Twitter]
From Youtuber UpIsNotJump: ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY Trailer remade in Fallout 4 using mods. Following the release of the new Rogue One Star Wars trailer I decided to recreate the trailer in Fallout 4 using console commands and mods .The video includes a few mods made by me that you won’t find on […]
One of the most talked about characters in Blizzard’s Overwatch right now is Tracer, mainly because of the controversy she caused surrounding one of her victory poses. The pose has now been replaced by Blizzard, and Korean cosplayer Tasha has recreated the replacement perfectly. You can check out the pics (and Tasha’s AMAZING costume) in […]