Deadpool vs Candy Crush in Real Life! [Video]
Deapool fighting a guy who has the power to conjure “Candy Crush” candies in real life? Yeah, that sounds a bit weird, but the whole thing is actually pretty cool, so check it out! [Bellpond]
Deapool fighting a guy who has the power to conjure “Candy Crush” candies in real life? Yeah, that sounds a bit weird, but the whole thing is actually pretty cool, so check it out! [Bellpond]
58 years of video game controllers. Where will they go from here? [Super Deluxe]
A planned Tetris movie will now be a trilogy. The makers say it isn’t a money grab but instead is needed to properly tell the story they have planned. Producer Larry Kasanoff isn’t saying anything about what that story will actually be, but says the most obvious approach with some form of anthropomorphized blocks is […]
What can I even say about this?! We all know Old Spice has gone rather “comically insane” in their ads over the last few years, and this all seems to be reaching an apex with a batsh*t insane video game that only shows you how much MORE insane Old Spice is than you had already […]
A fantastic cover of the Uncharted 4 theme by violinist Anastasia Soina. This one is really good, but nothing beats her cover of the Daredevil theme song. [Anastasia Soina]
[Source: Manly Guys Doing Manly Things]
An original acapella arrangement of the Pirate Tavern theme song from World of Warcraft by Youtuber Smooth McGroove. [Smooth McGroove]
From Edmond Pang: This is my college’s final project for motion graphic design. The theme is pixel art, and the title is 10 benefits of playing video games. Hope you guys enjoy it :) [Edmond Pang | Via Dueling Analogs]
This is the kind of thing an evil mastermind would do to a good friend while they weren’t looking, all while laughing and twirling the ends of their over-sized mustache. Also, this person is a genuine anarchist who thrives on madness and doing the wrong thing. Editor’s note: Now we just need to switch the […]