When Cats Dart Back and Forth in Front of Your Car [Comic]
[Source: The GaMERCat | Like “The GaMERCat” on Facebook | Follow “The GaMERCat” on Twitter]
[Source: The GaMERCat | Like “The GaMERCat” on Facebook | Follow “The GaMERCat” on Twitter]
The folks from Nerd City have created three short videos taking a look at situations where Pokémon Go might interfere with real life. Check it out! When You See The Rival Team At Your Home Pokémon Go Gym When Your Uber Driver Uses Pokémon GO for GPS When You Can’t Get Any With a Pokémon […]
Be sure to watch the first minute… and then skip ahead using the little preview window to stop at important events throughout the video (Most are listed below.) 1:49 2:06 3:00 4:14 6:32 6:48 9:20 10:32 14:35 16:50 17:10 17:30 18:13 21:10 21:38 24:42 26:17 28:55 30:32 32:16 36:18 40:00 40:46 43:14 45:45 46:05 46:25 […]
Behold: Granted, it might be kind of cumbersome, but that would be cool to have at your house. Imagine having all the gaming generations represented with all the different systems? I think that may have just been added to my bucket list. Editor’s note: And mine too! They’d all have to go in the basement […]
It seems like every time someone sneezes or it rains somewhere, a new Assassin’s Creed game comes out. At this point, there are too many to even keep track of, and that doesn’t even include the 12 Assassin’s Creed games still yet to come out THIS YEAR. Which begs the question: What are the top 10 […]
A Super Mario mug that changes color from day (hot) to night (cold,) depending on the temperature of the mug! The Super Mario Bros. Heat Change Mug features a classic landscape in the style of the original and beloved NES title. When the mug is cold it features a dark, nighttime landscape, and when hot […]
Yep, if you want to catch Mew, this comic resumes what might happen to you quite well. Unfortunately, the game still drains the battery of my smartphone like crazy, even after being updated multiple time. Maybe that new Pokémon Go accessory would help by keeping the screen off? [Source: The Meerkatguy | Like “The Meerkatguy” […]
An app seems like a better idea than children training superpowered monsters to fight. [Dorkly]
[Source: Little Life Luggage]
First and foremost, this is obviously not real and just something thrown together by someone on the internet, but can we attempt to speculate what a Grand Theft Auto version of Go would be like? Stealing cars, running down strangers, picking up hoo…nah, maybe we just keep this in our minds and not discuss it […]