When Portal Meets Microsoft’s Hololens Augmented Reality Tech [Video]

A fun project by game developper “Kenny W” that uses Microsoft’s Hololens augmented reality tech to bring Portal into this world. Unfortunately, if you’re looking into developping something like this yourself, the Hololens dev kit currently costs about $3,000 and its availability is unfortunately limited. Check it out! [KennyWdev]

I am the Belko Rangers Effect: Top 10 Must See Trailers of January 2017

If all the dope trailers that dropped in January is any indication of the level of entertainment we will be getting in 2017, we best start getting pumped now. Here are the top 10 must-see trailers of January, 2017, across multiple mediums including cinema and video games. Yo, I heard ya’ll like timestamps! We got […]