D&D Gets Official Rulebook App

Dungeons & Dragons is getting an official app bringing together rules, character management and discussion forums. It’s being marketed under the slogan “beyond pen and paper.” The app, titled D&D Beyond, will cover both Dungeon Masters and players. It’s designed for the fifth edition rules and will include: a digital version of the D&D compendium […]

10 NEW Games Coming in April 2017 – Top 10 APRIL 2017 GAMES (PS4/Xbox One/Switch/PC)

2017 has been an incredibly strong year for gaming already and we are still only in the first quarter of the year. Between Horizon Zero Dawn and a brand new Nintendo console with a great Zelda on it (maybe the greatest Zelda yet, which is really saying something), there is no shortage of killer titles […]

LEGO Team Fortress 2 Robo-Sandvich [Video]

From ZaziNombies: This sandvich make me strong! We build Heavy’s beloved secondary weapon: The Robo-Sandvich, entirely from 250+ LEGO bricks! Complete with its red and blue team colored light-up beacons, and shiny robotic detials, given to all players in genuine quality that opened up a “What’s in the Sandvich Box?” Here is the weapon’s real […]

Faulty Nintendo Switch Unveils Electro-Symphony

With any new hardware release, there’s somebody who experiences problems. For one Nintendo Switch buyer, that problem is particularly bizarre. YouTube user Shokio, who regularly posts game videos, says he was hoping to livestream a session with Zelda. Unfortunately that proved impractical thanks to a spectacular bug that means his device is now emitting a […]